Monday, August 13, 2012

Best laid plans

Ever have those plans where you say tomorrow I will get this done, then you wake up say I will get to it in a moment then that moment never comes.  Yea that is today.  Need to get the shelves done in the pantry so I can put pans on the shelves as the mice keep getting into the lower shelves causing messes.  I have tried so many traps it is silly but when you live on a farm one has mice I accept that however it is the neighbors next door with three huge barns filled with grass seed straw that make control so hard.  Our LGD (livestock guard dog) kills hundreds of mice and rats each week, the chickens, duck, and cats do their part also alas some if those nasty critters still make it into the house.  Let get back to plans.

Planned to make chili from scratch today.  Was going to go shopping last night than I thought no no not until the counters are sorta cleaned off.  Well it is 3 pm and they are not cleaned.  I have pinned things of interest, facebooked for the business, farm, self, and even spent some time learning to twitter.  I was awake at 8 am, 9:30 am, work up again at 12:30 pm told myself I needed the rest.  I want a big cup of coffee but I am not getting to that end of the house to make it.  I like the ice coffee as I tend to go make myself one but I need to make that also.  I had plans to make it.

Plans to clean the bathroom, make some things for the house and do some dishes and washing so I had clothing to wear.  Old Army Man is up asking what is up meaning hey girl I want to see what is happening on my fb, website, email, and just see what the sport and political world has happening in it today. 

Yea I had plans to be all done with everything by now and sitting in a chair watching something on my roku or to be setting up my new roku in my office so I could fb, tweet, write to my heart's content while chili simmered and gave the house smells to make ones mouth water.  Better go start on that counter.  I may take pictures if I get things done.  Write more later,  O

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