Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Off spring good and sorrows abound

This is one of this old Mossback Toughs offspring.  He is a good size man, now.  He is my first born.  He took some time learning life's lessons, but his heart is good as big as his shoe.  His name was picked out by his dad years prior to the sperm meeting the egg which formed this guy of mine.  We grow them big on my side of the family which made his dad bubble with joy.  Have you ever had a good kid turn away from the hope you had for them?  Well, it was heart breaking for a while between us.  The death of my husband, his dad, did not make matters any better.  Not understanding each other, me to willing to believe the "stories" his issues put us into was trialing at best.  Many of year of okay can we be family even if you don't like it occurred.  He is sitting along the Oregon Coast around the 4th of July here.   He was having a picnic with friends.  I must say I am happy to claim him as my son again. Proud of him again feels good.  For this I must say God answered prayers.  I like this young man's quick wit, fun actions, and willingness to share the happiness most of all.  It took a while, some miss steps by both of us along the way yet I have a son I am proud of without remorse today.   Makes an old tough bag like me tear up now and again.  You all come back now you hear, Old Mossback. 


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